The companies that make, distribute and sell consumer products owe a duty of care to the people who buy those products. If you suffer an injury because the product was defective or contained inadequate warnings, you may be entitled to compensation for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
At the Law Offices of William W. Green & Associates, our product liability attorneys represent people who are injured as a result of dangerous or defective products in Newport Beach, Anaheim and other communities in Orange County, California.
Do I Have A Product Liability Lawsuit?
You may be entitled to compensation if the product was unsafe and you were injured as a result. Even if you were using the product in a way that was not intended by the manufacturer, you may have a product liability case if your use of the product was foreseeable.
Our lawyers handle cases involving all types of product liability cases, including those involving:
- Food poisoning
- Prescription drugs
- Recreational equipment such as razor bikes, ATVs and personal watercraft
- Defective consumer products
- Hazardous chemicals
- Auto defects
- Industrial equipment
- Children's toys and equipment
- Tools
- Appliances
- Lawn equipment
No matter what type of product caused your injury, we offer a free lawyer consultation to evaluate your case and explain your legal options.
Reach Out To Us Today About Your Product Liability Case
If a dangerous or defective product has injured you, your child or a loved one, please call toll free at 800-524-5446. We offer free initial consultations.